analytica in Munich

This is how you get your ticket to analytica 2024

  1. Fill out and submit the form below
  2. Click the link in the confirmation email to verify the registration
  3. We will process your request and send you by e-mail the voucher codes for the ticket order (one per ticket) 


To receive voucher codes for ticket orders, please send us the completed form. By submitting the form, you agree that VACUUBRAND may send to you information about products, news and events regularly, free tickets or contact you by e-mail for surveys. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us with an activation link. Please click on this link in your email account to verify your registration and receive the voucher codes.

Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.

By submitting the contact form, you agree to the processing of your data for the purpose of answering your request. Further information and information on revocation and objection can be found in our privacy statement.