
Interview on the start of a career

First impressions of our colleague in product management
Interview by Annabelle Gahner with Dr. Florian Heinrich from the VACUUBRAND product management team

Interview by Annabelle Gahner with Dr. Florian Heinrich from the VACUUBRAND product management team


How did you get started at VACUUBRAND? Our colleague Dr. Florian Heinrich answers these and other questions. He is a chemist and one of the new additions to our product management team. Over the past six months, he has taken part in a detailed induction program. Our intern Annabelle Gahner interviews him about his first impressions.


What is your professional background?

Dr. Florian Heinrich: I am 29 years old and have a degree and doctorate in chemistry. This year I was delighted to take up the position in Product Management and am now part of a team of four lead by our Head of Department, Dr. Barbara Richarz. I'm undertaking a lot of interesting tasks, especially any with a focus on chemistry, because I come from this background and I'm familiar with the user’s perspective. It's exciting that I'm now also getting to understand more from the manufacturing side at VACUUBRAND.

How did you come to VACUURBAND?

Dr. Florian Heinrich: I first came into contact with the company at the beginning of my studies because we used a lot of VACUUBRAND products at the university in Heidelberg. At first I wasn't aware of the manufacturer, that only developed over the subsequent years. After ten years of laboratory work, I wanted to try something new. So I looked around to see what other areas I could work in as a chemist. This is when I came across the company VACUUBRAND again, who were advertising for a product management role, which I felt was an interesting opportunity. So I applied – and now I'm here.

How was the transition from studying to working?

Dr. Florian Heinrich: Many people had said to me "Wait until you're working. It won't be like it was during your studies". In fact four years of a doctorate is very similar to a normal job because you have obligations and manage your own project. Nevertheless, people were right that working life is somewhat different from studying or doing a doctorate. However, I found the change absolutely fine. For example, I was totally positively surprised by the detailed induction. I thought I was going to be thrown in at the deep end and had already mentally prepared myself. However, I was told at the interview: "We'll take our time and train you." And that was exactly what happened, with a comprehensive induction plan for the first six months.

What were the highlights during your induction?

Dr. Florian Heinrich: I would mention the sales and marketing meeting, where we spent three days together at an external venue. I was able to put a name to every face and simply get to know many colleagues better. That helped me a lot with integration.

How has the job affected your private life?

Dr. Florian Heinrich: What has changed the most is where I live. I moved from Heidelberg to Würzburg and always commute from there to Wertheim. Even with the move and the new surroundings, everything has worked out perfectly.

We would like to thank Dr. Florian Heinrich for the interview.